December 17, 2017 Trail Report

I was out clearing trails thanks to Dave Fucci’s Alpine and trailer. There several trees blocking the trails that I did not know about. I got the Alpine stuck in the water crossing at the Long Trail-Poczobut Road intersection. I hiked out to the Upper Cold River Road to Scott Ryan’s and he was not home so I went back to Steve and Jan Ellis’s and Steve was there. He went up with his jeep to pull it out. When we got to the Alpine the Lathrop family was there. We pulled it out by hand without the Jeep! I want to thank all that helped! If the Lathrop family wants to let me know the names I will post them, thank you all again!

After that Dad went back up with me and his tractor and we finished clearing the trees so when I started the Tucker I would not have to stop for any thing. Every thing went well and the Tucker is back in the groomer shed! Now we have to get it fixed so it is dependable. It was a long day but it is great to know the trails are cleared and the Tucker is under cover. Thank you again Dad for your help! This was one of the areas that I cleared out. It was hard to get my cell phone out from under my clothes so this is the only photo I took. It was more important to clear the trials than taking photos!

The trails need more snow so ride knowing that there are obstacles under the snow that you do not see, but you do feel! You can ride but do it with caution! It is early yet.

Ride Safely and Ride Right!