Work Days Last Weekend

Photo & Video Sharing by SmugMugWe worked long days last weekend to try and finish the trail out of the groomer shed to the Tin Shanty Road. We finished the tread work, but still have to put in a skidder plank bridge and one culvert before the season. At noon on Sunday we were not sure that we would get it done, but before dark and as the excavators were running low on fuel we reached the place that we stopped the first day. That was 4 work days and pretty close to 40 hours later,the last 20 of that was with two excavators! We will get it done! Thanks to Dave and Jay young with their excavators, Gary, Dave Jensen who did some debrushing. They were long days and we all were tired but the end is in sight! The photo is Jay working on moving a BIG Rock he calls a piece of Vermont. That one took a few minutes! Click on the photo to see a larger view!!