Dad and Mom going out to finish their route after an 14 hour delay with a bad seal in the transfer case. Out and grooming again!
Dad and I got the seal replaced in the transfer case this morning, and if any one wants to know it was cold out there! The wind was really blowing and we were over at Ray Pages so we had no heat. Every thing went well. It was a little struggle to get the drive shaft hooked back up but we managed. I called GetSno and talked to Paul and he said that Tucker for a while used an arctic seal in the wheels and transfer cases. They have a very soft rubber in the seal part and they sometimes separate like the two seals that have failed on our Tucker. They don’t use them now from what I am told. We hope that the other two seals in the transfer case hold up just a little longer to get through the season. We are watching it closely! I did make it easier to get the fluid back in it this time. I was laying in bed last night thinking about it and all of a sudden it came to me. I took out the fill plug and put in a 3/4″ nipple 2″ long then a 90 degree elbow then an 8″ nipple, the filling took no time at all. It was so nice compared to about 1 to 1.5 hours to drizzle it in! I put a 3/4 cap on it and I was done.
I just talked with Dad and he said that every thing went good today as they finished the trails they started yesterday. There was nice fresh snow up high so the trails groomed up Great! He said that there were no issues with the Tucker so we are ready to groom again probably late Saturday or early Sunday morning. This is a great season for the Shrewsbury Sno-Birds and every one that enjoys snowmobiling! Go out and ride as the riding does not get any better than this. I know I have said this before but it is true!
Ride Safely and Ride Right!
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