Roy Arthur

Author's posts

Trail Report January 20, 2018

Mark and I were out trying to groom our trails today. We groomed as far as the Upper trail and to the base of Jockey. The two trails going to the Stone House were too icy to groom. Even if we could groom them the lack of snow would make the ice issues worse. I …

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Photo as promised

I’m trying to figure how to fix this. I have put rock salt on spots before and then covered it with snow and it all melted together and it was good the rest of the  season. That looks like it would take a lot of rock salt! Any other suggestions? Ride Safely and Ride Right …

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Trail Report Update January 16, 2018

Jeremy Surething was out riding yesterday and his comment was that he does not recommend riding at this time. There is a bad ice area on the North side of Jocky just as you start down from the top. Rocks are showing and the water has opened up ditches that you can get a ski …

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Trail Report January 16, 2018

Scott Ryan was out on 407 and then back up 4&7  to the Clement Shelter Road and back to his house and he thought the trails took it pretty good. There was no serious ice issues on that section and no downed trees. I’m looking to see if any one has been out on our …

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Trail Photos January 13, 2018

I was at the highway garage and on the Wheelerville Road and I took some photos. Some look better than others. The rain definitely did damage to our trails!  Continue reading

Trail Report January 13, 2018

At the groomer shed area we lost a lot of the base we had. We did get 1″ of new snow at the end of the storm. There is not much we can do to improve the trails with the conditions we have. If any one is out riding let me know what the conditions …

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Trail Report January 10, 2017

Dad was out grooming up the trails yesterday. He took his sister with him. They had a nice day and the trails look really nice. Mike G. was out riding and saw them out there. Go out and ride before the rain comes. Ride Safely and Ride Right.

Trail Report January 7, 2018

I was out grooming up our trails all day yesterday. It was a crisp and cold winter day. The Tucker was running great again and the traction was good. The trails are looking better and better with every grooming! There were not many riders out yesterday but our own club member Dave Fucci and Doc …

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Photos as promised!

Here they are. It must take time for my edits on the photos to go through.   Continue reading

Trail Report December 31, 2017

Between the efforts of Ray and Dad and my grooming on Saturday the trails are looking a lot better. The water bars are really filling nicely for the most of them. Unfortunately from what I have heard I guess we did not get as much snow as our neighbors to the north of Route 4. …

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