Roy Arthur

Author's posts

Trail Report Dec. 27, 2017

Dad and Ray are still out grooming up our trails they left at 7:30 this morning . They went to US Route 4 on 4&7 and then went on 407. The 407 trail they were not impressed with the 88 water bars. That many and the placing of them made it a one way direction …

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Trail Report Dec. 26, 2017

Sorry I did not post earlier but I was out on Saturday and groomed up every thing except 407 as I had a light issue and it was going to get dark if I groomed that section. Also the snow was slimmer in the lower elevations and the State installed 88 water bars on that …

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Tucker Update.

The Tucker was fixed today. It did turn out to be what I had found when I tested it out in the woods, the injection pump module was bad so you have to replace the injection pump. We replaced the lift pump also to protect the injection pump. Not a cheep repair at just over …

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Meeting Tonight December 19, 2017

I just realized that I had not seen a new post about tonight’s meeting. It is on for tonight at the Southside @ 7:00. Hope to see you there.

December 17, 2017 Trail Report

I was out clearing trails thanks to Dave Fucci’s Alpine and trailer. There several trees blocking the trails that I did not know about. I got the Alpine stuck in the water crossing at the Long Trail-Poczobut Road intersection. I hiked out to the Upper Cold River Road to Scott Ryan’s and he was not …

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Opening Day Trail Report!

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Snow fall total as of this morning!

At Mom and Dads house and the groomer shed there was 14″. There will be more up higher I imagine. Mark and I will be out trying to get the upper trails open tomorrow and Dad and I will go to  Route 4 on Friday if all goes as planed. Remember though the trails do …

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Volunteer TMA,s

I have Scott Ryan’s, Dave Fucci’s, Bill Lohsen’s, Mike G’s, and Scott Ballard’s TMAs here at Arthur’s Auto. You can pick them up or call me and I will do the best to make sure that you have them by the 16th. My best numbers are 775-3406 or 779-5228. Roy    

Photos from last Sunday December 10, 2017

Here are the photos I promised to send to you. I thank Cliff for his tech help, God knows I need it!   … </p/>
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December 2017 Meeting!

I forgot in my last post to remind every one that the meeting is this Tuesday Dec. 12 at 7:00 PM at the Southside Steakhouse on Main Street in Rutland. Hope to see you there!