Author's posts
It is snowing!!!
It has started snowing and they are predicting 3 to 6 inches last I heard! It is pretty bad when that little amount gets us excited! Lets hope that this time we get more than they say. Any thing will be a help if the rest of the week does not melt it. I want …
Happy New Year!!!
Dad and I just back from the trails. The trails are bony and icy in spots. We slid down one hill on 407 between RD 651 and the Clemint Shelter Road and also on the Arthur Trail going to the groomer shed.There were several riders out there today. If you ride carefully there is riding …
Snow Total December 29-30, 2016?
It is 5:00 Pm and down in Rutland there is not much snow yet! Mom and Dad said there was 3″ at around 3:00 PM. What happened to the 10 to 20 inches? Please keep us posted on the snow totals as you find them. Hopefully they will get better than this. If you have …
Merry Christmas!!
I want to wish every one a Merry Christmas! The snow was falling this morning as I was putting up signs on the CCC Road. There are more signs that need to go up and the next time the Tucker is out we will put them up. Please be patient with us, we normally have …
Trail Report December 16, 2016
Dad and I were out yesterday opening the gates and clearing the trees. All of our trails have been checked and packed except between RD651 and RD65, the cross trail between 407 and 4&7. There was about 10 to 12 inches of snow in most areas except 407 in the lower areas.
Let it Snow! Meeting info also!
Well we are not seeing tons of snow but every little bit helps! The season opens on Friday December 16th. I hope every one has purchased their earley bird tma’s. You don’t want to miss out on the savings! Our next meeting is tomorrow December 13th at the Southside restaurant @ 7:00pm. Every one getting a …
Don’t Delay!
Time is running out to get your Early Bird TMA. December 15TH is the last day to save! Remember my thoughts on your TMA, it is like buying insurance that the VAST Trails will be there to ride for years to come. That to me is cheap insurance for what the trails offer! Here are photos I …
Sign Painting
Hi, is there any one that would like to pick up this sign and paint the wording on the fresh one sitting behind it? I’m not really good at it, as you can see I did it the last time years ago. Let me know please. Roy
Trail Work Report
Last weekend Dave with his excavator repaired the tread area from Dick Howes to Bridge 24 on the Wheelerville Road. Bill and Doc were there and went to the highway garage and then to the hight of land above RD 65 on corridors 4&7 in Shrewsbury checking for problems. Mark, Mike and I went from RD …
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