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Trail Work October 25, 2015
I do not think that we need to have a work session this Sunday. I was looking at the map and all of the trails have been looked at. Also it looks like it will be raining in the morning. If anyone knows of something that needs to be done please let me know and …
Trail Report for October 18, 2015
Yesterdays work session had 4 members present. It was Dave with excavator, Dad, Mark, and myself. We got the big overhanging tree down on 4&7 just north of RD16 and debrushed that section up past RD65. Dave went out and was prepping the cross trail between RD65 and RD651 for Rick Hubbard as he is …
Trail Work October 18, 2015
This Sunday we will be starting from RD16, the 407 and 4&7 intersection just below the Clement Shelter. We will be debrushing the sides of the trail and getting a big tree down that is leaning over our trail. It has been cut with a cutter bar but there are areas that trees are leaning over the …
Cross Trail from 407 to 4&7 – RD 651 to RD 65
Lisa and I walked the trail today to look a the way it was left after the logging last winter. It was ok if you are not using it as a snowmobile trail. She said that we can mellow it but not to change the amount of water bars. I told her that if Rick …
Meeting and Trail Work Update October 13, 2015
We had 4 members help with the debrushing of the trails out of the groomer shed, RD69 to RD672. We were done in about 4 hours and every thing looks good there. The members that were there were Mike, Mark, Dad and I. Dad and I then went out corridors 4&7 to look at the …
Trail Work Sunday October 11, 2015
We are having another work day this Sunday. We will be starting at the end of the Coldham Road, (what we call Grandma Moody’s). It is just past David Rice’s house, the trail the groomer uses to get to Corridors 4&7 and the Tin Shanty Road. On the VAST map it is in between the groomer …
Trail Work Day Results October 4, 2015
We had 6 members come and help today. Dave brought his excavator and UTV and Dad brought his Ranger. Mark, Mike, Bill, and my self supplied the manpower. We cleared the two trails out of the Stone House and then went on to the Loop Trail over to the Hudson Trail then down to the …
Trail Work Sunday October 4, 2015
Just a reminder that we will be working on the two trails out of the Stone House this Sunday. We will be starting @ 8:00 AM. This is a debrushing and tree clearing day getting ready for the 2015-2016 season. Hope to see you there! Can some one let me know if you get this …
Trail Work October 2015
Dave and Dad were out yesterday and went from the groomer shed to the top of Jockey and then down to the intersection of 4&7 and 407. The cleaned up any trees and dug out some stumps where they were logging to straighten out the trail out of the groomer shed. Dad also has done …
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