Roy Arthur

Author's posts

Photo Test on the Access Trail

The camera that I used was taking photos too large to upload to word press so I am trying what our Webb guy said to do. Hope it works!http://

Trail Work Last Sunday

Yes we did work last Sunday! We started from the groomer shed an cut a lot trees and excavated the tread area for about 1/8 of a mile. We worked from 7:30 am to about 4:30 pm. We also had a track come off the excavator as the rain was coming down but we got that put back …

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October Meeting

Our October meeting is tomorrow the 8th at the Snow Angel in Mendon. It starts at 7:00 pm. Hope to see you there! Remember the food and drinks and coversation is great!

Trail Work Sunday Oct. 6, 2013

The start of the trail off the Tin Shanty Road going to the groomer shed. Sept. 29, 2013.We will be working on the trail out of the groomer shed, {Gary Arthur’s}, on Sunday starting …

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Work day last Sunday Sept. 29, 2013

Gary watching Dave removing some trees. Sept. 29, 2013.Dave installing a culvert. Sept. 29, 2013.Continue reading

Trail Work last Sunday Sept. 22, 2013

We had a work day last Sunday. Ray, Gary, Dave, Scott Ryan, Mike, Bill and Roy disassembled the Stout Bridge and took it to the groomer shed and stacked it for later uses. Gary and Scott had worked on getting the 4x4s off the day before so the job was done by 10:00am. Then Dave …

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Trail Work September 22, 2013

We will be disassembling the bridge at the Stout ” Grandma Moody ” property out past  David Rice’s on the Coldham Road. We will be starting at 8:00 am. Any and all help is wanted for this project. The land owner is going to install a much stronger bridge to handle bigger trucks which we will still …

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The first meeting of the season September 10, 2013!

Our first meeting will be at the Snow Angel on route 4 in Mendon on September 10th @ 7:00 pm. All are welcome and wanted for your input to make our club the best that it can be! Hope to see you there! Oh by the way the food and drinks are GREAT!!!

Sno-Birds News

vast_logo1It has been a while since I posted anything and we have had some issues with the web site, but we are back! The VAST annual meeting is August 10, 2013. If any one is planning on going let us know. We will be dismantling the …

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May 14, 2013 Meeting

Our next club meeting is May 14, 2013 at Dave Fucci’s house. It starts at 7:00PM. This is the last scheduled meeting for this season and it is the election of officers. If any one needs directions to get there please give me a call @ 775-3406 or 779-5228, hope to see you there!