Roy Arthur

Author's posts

Trail Report January 5, 2013

Gary and Minnie were out grooming all day on Friday January 4th. they said that for the most part the trails are doing well for this time of the year. We hopefully will get a couple of inches of snow tonight as we will be going out again. There are still some water spots but …

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Trail Report December 31, 2012

We were out grooming and removing the last downed trees on Sunday December 29th. We left at 4:30am and got back at just before 6:00pm. the total snow fall from the two storms was 28″. The trails are still in the early season stage. Some areas are really good and some still have water issues. …

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Trail Report December 28, 2012

Gary and Ray are out packing the trails today.I opened the M. Falls gate last night and as I was driving out the Notch Road a snowmobile was headed in! They received 18″ of snow and more on the way tomorrow. We will take the drag out on Sunday if all goes as planed. I will let …

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December 27, 2012 Trail Report

Well it really looks like we are going to get some needed snow. I will let you know totals as I get them. The only gate that is not opened yet is at Maclaughlan Falls on 407, it will be opened on Friday. The cable out past Rousseau’s Camp is closed also but you can …

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Trail Report December 24, 2012

Dad and I were out packing and opening the gates and clearing trees from the storm on Sunday. Barry and Ransom came up from Wheelerville clearing the trees. Mike Stewart , Scott Ballard, Dave and Doc were out rideing and helping where they could. There was a good 9″ of snow at the Stone House. The water …

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Trail Report Dec. 21, 2012

There was 4” of snow in North Shrewsbury this morning then it turned to rain. With the high winds I imagine that there are blow downs on our trails. If any one is out let us know how bad it is. There is no power up there now either. I will keep you updated as …

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Trail Report Dec. 18, 2012

Unfortunately we are still waiting for some good measurable snow. If this rain was snow we would be snowmobiling! Maybe this weekend we will get some. The gates are still locked at this time to keep out the vehicle traffic. We are ready to open them just as soon as we do see some rideable snow …

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New Signs for 407

VAST2012 407 saftey signsThis year we may be meeting more automobiles on the plowed section of 407 from the Notch Road to the Wheelerville Road. The road is narrow and the hills can be …

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December Meeting

Our next monthly meeting is Tuesday December 11, 2012 at the South Station in Rutland at 7:00 PM. Come join us! Roy

Savers Cards Get Them Now!

We still have the Sno-Birds savers cards available. Any one that is buying parts to repair their sleds or ATVs can benefit from having this card by saving money at the local dealerships! There are local restaurants also that you can save at! A free auto inspection if it passes! Get one and start saving now! They are good until …

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