Author's posts
March 20,2011 Trail Report
Scott and I was out grooming last night. We got the Tucker back from Earl’s Truck Repair on Friday and every thing is working fine! The trails overall look good still! There are some lean areas and the plowed roads are bare but, in the higher elevations ther is still good snow depths. Watch out …
March 11, 2011 Trail Report
Gary and Minnie were out on Tuesday March 8th and groomed the trails. They were haveing transmission issues and was only able to groom some of the trails one way! Thank you to the people that helped them to winch on a steep hill coming back out of the wheelerville area on the new 4 …
March 5, 2011
Bruce Shaw and I was out grooming last night. We saw several sleds last night. The Jeep was gone when we got to the site, I guess the 300.00 est was more than he wanted to pay so he worked harder to get it out! Good thing that the trails are as hard as they …
March 4, 2011 Trail Report
We have another vehicle on our trail again. It is on 407 just a short distance from 4&7. Sleds can get around it, we are going to try to get it out before the warm up. We will be grooming tonight.
March 2, 2011 Trail Report
We have been grooming as normal but, I did not have the time to post them, SORRY! Our groomer broke last week on Wednesday but we had it fixed on Saturday then I went and groomed the trails all night, I finished at 5am and it was snowing again. There was 4+ inches in the …
February 20,2011 Trail Report
Arlin Phillips and I groomed all the trails last night. The warm weather did not hurt them too bad at all! They were a little hard in some areas so we could not keep the drag full all the time but they are still very nice. Ride safely
February 15, 2011 Trail Report
Gary and Ray were out grooming today. They did 4&7 to 407 and then connected with 4&7 in Wheelerville all the way to US Rt4. They also remove the truck that was on the 407 trail. The truck did no damage to the trail, that was good! They will finish the rest of the 4&7 trail …
February 14, 2011 Trail Report
I got a report that there is a truck on our 407 trail up in the new section that Dave excavated this summer. If any one is out there please let me know. If it is get a description and plate #. There was NO GPS issue here just stupidity!
February 13,2011 Trail Report
Scott and I were out last night grooming our trails. We groomed 4&7 and 407. We received a dusting to an inch of new snow while we were out. The trails are looking good at this time, and they are holding up good with all the traffic.
February 12,2011 Trails Report
We will be working on the Tucker today and then be out grooming later this afternoon and evening. Ride safely!
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