Trail opening date!

We are getting really close to opening day, Dec. 16, 2017. We have been busy getting all of our signs up. We have checked out several of the trails to remove downed trees. We received about 4″ of snow the last couple off days and it looks like more is on the way so we …

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Sno-Birds on Instagram

Roy and I had a great meeting with Mike G, the new Sno-Bird Secretary last night. I was showing them the new integration with Instagram and Roy pointed out he wasn’t aware of Instagram on our site yet. That could be because I wasn’t clear enough in my first post so I’ll try to point …

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Time to think – SNOW!

Hi All, I wanted to send out a quick hello to members of the club. To those I have already met, and to those I haven’t yet, I am really excited to come on board as the new club secretary. Thank you for the warm welcome! Going forward, I will be posting the meeting minutes …

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November 2017 Club Meeting

Our November meeting is the 14th at the usual place the Southside Steakhouse on main street in Rutland. It starts @ 7:00 PM  Our new Secretary is excited and is going to get setup to be able to post things on our website tomorrow night. So you might see an other meeting notice as a …

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VAST and Club memberships

We have TMAs available at Central Vermont Cycle, JC Stewart and Son , and Arthur’s Auto.  Get them early so you will be ready on December 15th.

Introducing Instagram Integration

The Shrewsbury Sno-Birds now have an Instagram account @snobirds. We would love to find a volunteer who knows Instagram to manage it (send us an email if you are interested!) Right now you can add your photos to our new Instagram #shrewsburysnobirds hashtag page right here on this site. It works because Instagram posts with …

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Water bars on 407

Rick Mckirryher was hired to install water bars on our trail 407.When I left at noon on Monday he had installed 24 water bars  and he was not to the good road yet. He was making great progress though. John from the State said there were, I think, another 64 to go by the time …

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Ray’s Photos

I have had at least one comment that people cannot see the photos in the recent post,  Ray Duquette’s 2017 Bridge Photos. I just tried it and from my end I see them fine. If any one is having problems please contact me.

Attaching Bridge Timbers to I-Beams

I was wondering about how or if the bridge planks were attached to the I-beams and while browsing through another set of photos Roy has posted to SmugMug I found the answer in this photo. You have to zoom in a bit but you can see the screws and washers holding the planks down to …

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October 2017 Meeting

Our October meeting is this Tuesday at the Southside Steakhouse on South Main Street in Rutland. It starts at 7:00 pm. Come and see what is going on with our club and meet our new secretary. I am posting a few more photos of the work on the new bridge. I was up and seeding …

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