Just an up date that we will be installing the I Beam bridge this Saturday and Sunday if needed. The weather is going to be great for working. We will be starting at 8:00 am. Hope to see you there!
If you have any questions about this project or how you can help please contact me @ 775-3406 or 779-5228 these numbers are quicker as I do not have time to sit by the computer and check my email instantly. But if you prefer the email thing I do check late in the day and I will reply. Thank you.
Here are some before photos I took.

Dave has things all marked out!

Dave has things all marked out!

Dave has all things marked out!

Dave has all things marked out!

This bridge was getting week. See the space between the logs!

We managed to get 6 more years out of this bridge than the City of Rutland thought. We did good!

Time to replace this one!

Part of this bridge was hanging a little low after last winter. This tells us that something is sagging.

As you can see others like our trails also! It would be nice if they payed their way!

Dave is always ready to help, Thank You Dave!

Dave dropped off some material for the project.

Gagnon Lumber supplied the timbers, this was the start of the decking materials.

This material is 8” thick Oak Timbers.

More of Dave’s dedication to our club!

This is what it looks like now. We will be higher and longer when it is done. It will be interesting to see the after photo.

Dave said it bounced some when he brought the concrete blocks across with his bulldozer!

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