Category: Trail Reports

Trail Report March 16, 2018

I was out packing the upper trails around the Stone House area and the 2 trails that go to the parking lot – groomer shed area. Sorry to the 2 riders that could not get up the trail yesterday because of the deep snow! I’m headed out now to do the rest of the trails …

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Trail Report March 13, 2018

Dad and I were out last night repairing the bigger mud spot on the trail going down to the groomer shed. We cut some trees and put some boughs down and then some snow on top and packed it with the drag. some one went in it this weekend and gassed it and ended up in …

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Trail Report March 11, 2018

Well once again Dad was there to help me swap the compactor bar for the drag. We are getting pretty quick now. I went back out and groomed all of our trails yesterday. I was glad as from 3:45 that morning to when I was back on the trails at 12:00 noon that same day …

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Trail Report March 10, 2018

I was out packing and blading our trails most of the night last night. Everything is open and in pretty good shape. I could not pull the drag because of the deep snow so Dad helped get the compactor bar back on. Again this snow like most of the storms we have had this season …

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Snow on the way!

It looks like we may be getting a good dumping of snow today through Friday! We will just have to wait and see! Let us know the totals that you get. Ride Safely and Ride Right!

Trail Report March 3, 2018

Well we received about 4-5″ of snow at the groomer shed but the ground is still warm so it is melting from the bottom up. I would like to go out and pack the trails but I think it is better to leave them the way they are for the riders. It is wet under …

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Trail Report February 17, 2018

    I was out grooming up our trails today. There is ice …

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Trail Report February 13, 2018

Dad and Ray were out grooming yesterday. From what I hear things are looking pretty good now. Lets hope we don’t get too much rain on Friday! Go out and ride if you can! Ride Safely and Ride Right.

Trail Report February 11, 2018

Dad and I removed the compactor bar and headed out with the drag yesterday to groom the trails. We left the traction aids on and we were glad we did. We did have to winch on one hill on 407 but that was the only one and we did to attempt to climb back up …

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Trail Report February 9, 2018

Dad and I went out and packed all the trails yesterday. The traction aids worked great, we never would have made it thru the over 2 feet of snow with out them. They are worth the price especially after you see how they are made to fit the tracks! They really dig in. Go out …

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