Category: Trail Reports

Trail Work Last Sunday

Yes we did work last Sunday! We started from the groomer shed an cut a lot trees and excavated the tread area for about 1/8 of a mile. We worked from 7:30 am to about 4:30 pm. We also had a track come off the excavator as the rain was coming down but we got that put back …

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Work day last Sunday Sept. 29, 2013

Gary watching Dave removing some trees. Sept. 29, 2013.Dave installing a culvert. Sept. 29, 2013.

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Trail Work last Sunday Sept. 22, 2013

We had a work day last Sunday. Ray, Gary, Dave, Scott Ryan, Mike, Bill and Roy disassembled the Stout Bridge and took it to the groomer shed and stacked it for later uses. Gary and Scott had worked on getting the 4x4s off the day before so the job was done by 10:00am. Then Dave …

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Trail Work September 22, 2013

We will be disassembling the bridge at the Stout ” Grandma Moody ” property out past  David Rice’s on the Coldham Road. We will be starting at 8:00 am. Any and all help is wanted for this project. The land owner is going to install a much stronger bridge to handle bigger trucks which we will still …

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Subscribers Restored

wordpress-logoThanks to a helpful engineer at WordPress, our subscribers have been restored. My previous post can be ignored about re-subscribing to the “subscribe via email” feature in our blog. Roy, your posts will again be broadcast to the 19 subscribers’ inboxes. Originally this post …

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To Subscribers Via Email…

Subscribe via email

For those who perviously were subscribed via email to receive new posts to the Sno-Birds blog, you will need to re-subscribe. Unfortunately we lost our mailing list so please use the handy “Subscribe Via Email” near the top of our blog pages to re-enter your email address. Also pass the word on to any of …

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Photos April 15, 2013

Sorry the photos did not go in the post I sent out but if you look on the blog on the web site they are there!

Trail Report April 16, 2013

Mike Stewart and Scott Ballard were out last night locking the gates on State Lands. They saw several sleds getting their last SNOWMOBILING FIX of the season! Some ares were better than others but it did not get too ugley! They sent some photos that I put in this post. Scott Ryan was out also …

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Photos of the trails April 3, 2013.

Here are a few photos of the trails the last time out grooming on Wed. Don’t  think they all look like this but, I always want to end with good thoughts!

Trail Report April 4, 2013

I went out grooming yesterday afternoon and evening.On 4&7 I went as far as the Clement Shelter the snow was getting thin, it is still rideable but not worth putting the Tucker over. The trails up high are still quite nice. There is still a lot of snow, it is up to the window sills …

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