Category: Trail Reports

December Meeting

Our next monthly meeting is Tuesday December 11, 2012 at the South Station in Rutland at 7:00 PM. Come join us! Roy


We have the TMAs out at J.C. Stewarts in Cuttingsville and at Arthur’s Auto on Post Road in Rutland Town along with the 3 local snowmobile dealerships. Get them before Dec. 15th to get the savings!

Trail Work

We were able to check and clear all of our trail system last Sunday. Some areas had a lot of trees down and other areas not much damage at all! The tread areas are holding up nicely. I want to thank Dave Fucci, Bill Lohsen, Gary Arthur, Scott Ryan, Scott Ballard, Ray Duquett, Mike Srewart, …

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Trail Damage due to Sandy!

I think that there might be a consideral amount of trees down on our trails. Dad was on the Bove Camp Road – 407 and there were several trees down on that section. Maybe we can get some crews together with transportation and go over our trails on Sunday Nov. 4, 2012. Let me know if …

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Trail Reports

If any one is out on our trails and you see any downed trees and can not take care of it yourself please let us know so we can take care of it. Also if you clear any sections of the trails let us know so we don’t have to check them again. Thank you. …

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Trail Work

We debrushed the Poddy Trail this last weekend and Dave repaired the tread areas and  he also fixed the road to the Stone House. Scott, Gary, Bill, Dave and I helped on Sunday.  Check back to see when we will be doing more work. I think we are looking pretty good at this point. Roy

Trail Work October 21, 2012

We will try to work again this Sunday. We will start at the Stone House at 8:00 am. Hope to see you there, if you have any questions contact me. Roy

New Guest Uploaded Photos

Next to the Stone House Some new photos uploaded with our guest upload link. Check out our new guest upload album with the new photos added to it. You can add your photos to this album too. We apologize to the owner of these …

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Trail Work

We are not going to be working this Sunday Oct. 14 2012 because of the weather. We will be working the next Sunday. Roy

Trail Work Sunday Oct. 14, 2012

This sunday we will be starting from the end of the Black Swamp Road and debrush the two trails that go to the Stone House. We will start at 8:00am at the gate. If you are coming or are going to be later than 8:00 call me to get info on how to get thru the gate. Thank …

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