Girl Scout Camp Trail Relocation

The Rutland City Forrest section is done now. Rick and Fred Hubbard and Dave Fucci did the excavation and Bill Lohsen and myself with Dave seeded and  put hay down on the trail. When the state part is done with Rick McKirryher we will go back and do the final debrushing and signing. The trail is a major improvement over what we had! I want to thank all that has made this possible. It has been a long process, but I guess we have to be patient.

I guess I have to be patient about getting photos on the site also. As soon as I get things figured out I will post the photos of the new section. You can go on the smug mug page and see them now I just can’t get them to this post.

New Girl Scout Camp Access

Seeded and mulched new trail.


  1. Roy, I have posted a photo for you. I hope this is the right one!

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