Meeting Minutes – 5/14/24


The regular meeting of the Shrewsbury Snobirds was called to order at 7:08PM on May 14, 2024 at Southside Steakhouse in Rutland by Mike Stewart.


Mike Stewart, President; Roy Arthur, Vice President/Trailmaster; Mike Gabriele, Treasurer; David Fucci, Scott Ryan, Bill Lohsen, Directors; Ray Messer, Member; Michele Taube, Secretary; Chip Taube, Guest; Eric Bearor, Central Vermont Motorcycles

Approval of Agenda

  • Secretary report – accepted and approved
  • Treasurer report – accepted and approved

Trail/Groomer Report

  • Clement Shelter – check bridge
  • Buy Fuel Now

Old Business

  • Sponsor Board location ok
  • New tracks received. Install in fall
  • End of March-TMA membership down 17%
  • Election of officers
  1. Scott Ballard (term exp. 2024) re-elect till 2028
  2. Bill Lohsen (term exp. 2025)
  3. Scott Ryan (term exp. 2026)
  4. Dave Fucci (term exp. 2027)

New Business

  • Trail work schedule: start 2nd Sunday in August
  • Last meeting until September


Meeting was adjourned at 8:20PM by Mike Stewart. The next general meeting will be at 7:00PM on September 10 at Southside Steakhouse in Rutland.

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