Trail Report April 7, 2023

I was out tonight locking some gates, all gates out of the Notch Road Parking Lot, McLaughlin Falls area, both cables on the Wheelerville Road bridge 24 area due to lack of snow. I could not close the gate at the Highway Garage because the snow and ice was too thick, that will be a next week project. Scott Ryan closed the gate and cable at the RD 651 area. All this is due to lack of snow and this weekend is known for Jeeps going out mudding so we want to try and protect the trails. Dad closed the gate at the Tin Shanty area also. There is still riding up high from what I heard and someone texted me and said that they were going out Sunday out of the Old Plymouth Road parking lot. For that reason I have not closed all the trails only some due to the closed gates. It was not a great season but there was some good riding for a while. Hope every one has a nice Easter!

Bridge 24 area April 7, 2023, the end of the season.

McLughlin Falls area April 7, 2023.

Notch Parking Lot is really bare on April 7, 2023