Trail Report January 12, 2024

Scott Ryan and I were out yesterday clearing trees and packing trails and opening some more gates. There is pretty good snow up high. We had charging issues with the Tucker so we only did the upper trails. I repaired the alternator and then found a bad ground cable between the 2 batteries so I had to go back to the shop and make a new one. We should be good to go now. I am planing on going out again on Sunday as Saturday looks too warm. John Hogan said he would go that day. Scott went down to the red gate just off the Wheelerville Road and cut up a down tree late yesterday afternoon also. If you do venture out do it with caution for trees down and open water on spots! i was hoping  to get more snow tonight and Saturday  but it is not looking so good. We will probably have more trees down where we have been and more on trails that have not been checked yet.