Trail Report March 16, 2013

Scott and I went out grooming last night. The trails were surprisingly GOOD for the weather that we had last week and the high traffic we saw last weekend. There is only one or two small water bars trying to open up, except where the logger is but even there I have seen worse! I don’t know if he is working this weekend, he didn’t work last weekend, so the trail might be as we left it last night. We went north as far as the logging header on 4&7 and on 407 we went just past the gravel pit. There was still snow on the trail but it was getting thin. They were pretty flat so we thought we should not touch them. We had better snow around the Stone House so things  were easer to groom up. We followed fresh moose tracks around but did not see any.  If you live down low in the Rutland area, go up and check it out, you will be amazed! Ride Safely and Ride Right!