At our last work day we had 5 volunteers. Dave had his excavator and did tread work and stump removal. It was really wet in that area at this time. Ray Messer, John Hogan, Mike Stewart and myself worked hard at debrushing with hand brush saws. We got the two trails done. I want to thank them for their hard work! As of now all of our trails from the CCC Road to the Gilman road have been debrushed and Dave has done some water bar and erosion control work on all of those trails. Tim Stout has been doing some brush hog work on some of the trails around his place and Dad brush hogged the Black swamp road, Stone house area and the Tin Shanty road to the second bridge. I debrushed up by the highway garage US Route 4 area down and up to Flannels Restaurant. I also inventoried 8 of our bridges this weekend. I don’t know if it was VAST or Rutland County that wanted this done. I think there is 4 more to do if I have not forgot any. The bridge on the Arthur Trail needs replacing next year. Here are some photos I took. There are more on our Smug Mug page. I do not get many action photos as we are too busy working.

Dave’s tread work and debrushing, thank you Dave!
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