Author's posts
Trail opening date!
We are getting really close to opening day, Dec. 16, 2017. We have been busy getting all of our signs up. We have checked out several of the trails to remove downed trees. We received about 4″ of snow the last couple off days and it looks like more is on the way so we …
November 2017 Club Meeting
Our November meeting is the 14th at the usual place the Southside Steakhouse on main street in Rutland. It starts @ 7:00 PM Our new Secretary is excited and is going to get setup to be able to post things on our website tomorrow night. So you might see an other meeting notice as a …
Water bars on 407
Rick Mckirryher was hired to install water bars on our trail 407.When I left at noon on Monday he had installed 24 water bars and he was not to the good road yet. He was making great progress though. John from the State said there were, I think, another 64 to go by the time …
October 2017 Meeting
Our October meeting is this Tuesday at the Southside Steakhouse on South Main Street in Rutland. It starts at 7:00 pm. Come and see what is going on with our club and meet our new secretary. I am posting a few more photos of the work on the new bridge. I was up and seeding …
Ray Duquette’s 2017 Bridge Photos
Ray along with working with us building this bridge took a lot of photos to show that these bridges do not just appear out of space. A lot of work preparing and designing and building these structures has to be done to make it work so …
Bridge Update
We installed the side bunkers this morning. The bridge looks really nice. Today we had Dave, Ray, Mike, Gary helping. Thank you guys for all your help. I forgot to mention the people who were helping even though it was raining off and on yesterday, I know my coat was quite wet at noon and …
I Beam Bridge Update
We were up installing the 8″ oak decking on the I Beams this morning. It rained some but we got the job done. We also installed the outside runners. The problem is that the battery-powered units could not keep up with the pace. We finished with Mike Stewart’s Honda Generator and corded drills. Tomorrow morning …
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