Roy Arthur

Author's posts

Trail Report February 2, 2015

I was out grooming our trails on Saturday and Saturday night. I groomed all the upper trails, the CCC Road, 407, and 4&7 to RD 650, then the parking lot trail and was at McLaughlin Falls when I stopped to take a break. I always look things over, this time I found that the transfer case was …

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Trail Report January 29, 2015

Dad and I were out grooming all of our trails yesterday. They are getting in pretty good shape for the amount of snow on the ground. The logging operations are not in bad shape either just use caution when going through them. We did not see many sleds out yesterday so we hope the trails firmed …

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Trail Report January 24, 2015

Our trail work crew today was a crew of two, Mark Quesnel and I. We cut lots of trees. We only cut the ones that we thought were going to give us problems this season but there are LOTS MORE that will need to be cut. If they do not bother us this winter they …

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Trail Report January 24, 2015

Scott and I were out grooming and cutting trees all day today. The trails are getting better but there are still some trees that need cutting. I am going back out with a sled and chainsaw tomorrow. The club is having a work day so I can use as much help as possible. I am …

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Trail Report January 22, 2015

The Tucker has been through all the trails up high and to the logging operation north on 7 so the snowmobiles can get through. Dave went from the logging operation north to US Route 4 with his Alpine and drag, he said those areas were not bad, just a few things need to be cut. …

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January 20, 2015 Trail Report Update

Dad and Ray fixed the piece and went back out and groomed all the upper trails. The piece broke again but they finished those trails, it was not easy from what I hear. Thank you both for your dedication to the Sno-Birds and all snowmobilers! They also groomed for the Snowfliers the CCC Road. We hope it …

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Trail Report January 20, 2015

Just got a call from dad as he was back from grooming. He went out 4 and 7 to the logging operation and the wiper shaft broke so they had to come back. He said the trees are worse than they were in the last storm!! If any one has time and wants to clear …

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Trail Report January 13, 2013

Dad and mom were out grooming up as much of our trails that they could before the snow conditions got too slim. They did all the upper trails around the Stone House area and went to the logging operation on Corridors 4&7 in Wheelerville and they went out 407 a ways towards the gravel pit . They …

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Meeting and Trail Report January 10, 2015

Scott Ryan and I went out with the groomer and groomed all of our upper trails and part way to Wheelerville. The trails up high are not perfect but they are better than the lower ones. They are all rideable with caution. Scott rode his sled all the way to US Route 4 in Mendon on Friday …

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Merry Christmas 2014

I just wanted to wish every one a Merry Christmas! I know it is not going to be a snowy one but I hope every one has a nice day. Ho, Ho, Ho pray for SNOW!!!