Trail Report February 8, 2015

Dad went out with me grooming last night. He did not want me to go alone as he thought we might have to winch. We almost made it home but coming up the back side of Jocky it did not quite make it. The longest part of the winch job was thawing out the winch cable as it was totally coated with ice! Once we did that we winched probably the length of one track and it was going on its own. OK Dad you were right and the extra set of hands was a help. The snow in some areas has no traction so we may have more issues until the snow conditions change. We did groom all of our trails and the CCC Road and they were looking really nice. There were lots of sleds out last night. One point of notice is if you see the Tucker coming at you on the left side of the trail move over to the right and visa versa. It is really surprising that a lot of snowmobilers do not understand that. So pass the word on and maybe it should be taught at the safety courses.

Also the logging operation on 4&7 around RD650 is done so we are grooming it now on the plowed section. With a little snow it will be as smooth as the rest of the trails. The other one farther north will be done soon also.

Ride Safely and Ride Right!


    • Mike on February 8, 2015 at 6:24 pm

    GREAT Job as ALWAYS ROY!! It AMAZES me TOO the way riders do NOT RESPECT or give groomers the right of way!!!

    Keep up the GREAT Work
    Thank you


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