Author's posts
Ray got our TMAs out today at all of the normal sites. Those sites are Outdoors in Motion, Central Vermont Cycle, Dan Turco and Son, John C. Stewart and Son, and Arthur’s Auto. With the dues increase this year it is more important than ever to get your TMA early before Dec. 15th. Don’t wait untill …
Trail Work
We will be working on reseting the second bridge in the Clemint Shelter Road on Sunday Sept. 14,2014. I know that it is short notice but the first bridge was just finished …
First Meeting of the 2014-2015 Season
Our first meeting of the season is this Tuesday, September 9, 2014. It starts at 7:00PM and is at the Southside restaurant ( it formerly was the South Station ). We hope to see you there.
U.S. Forest Service Seeks Comments
I recieved this email from Ray and I thought I would pass it on to the members in case they want to look into this more. If any one has any questions go to the website listed.Scan0010 Scan0011. I hope every one can recieve this. Please let the club know if you have any comments! …
May 13, 2014 Meeting
We will have our last meeting of the 2013-2014 season on May 13, 2014. It will start at 7:00PM. The meeting will be at the Snow Angel on route 4 in Mendon, our usual meeting place. We hope to see you there. We will have all of our year end { season } reports and …
Truck on Trail Update
Scott and I went up and got the truck out of the ditch and turned it around and towed it out. Every thing went well. We back at the groomer shed before 8:00PM. We charged him $300.00 and he gave us an extra $75.00. It looks like the season is winding down quickly. There is …
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