Roy Arthur

Author's posts

A loss for all snowmobilers!

Arlyn Phillips, trail master and main groomer operator for the Chittenden Dammers passed away unexpectedly on Wed. August 22nd. Arlyn was a good friend of mine and he was always ready to help us as a snowmobile club when asked. He brought us poles for our bridges and when our Tucker lost part of the …

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Club meeting

Our first club meeting for the 2012-2013 season is August 14th @ 7:00 @ the South Station in Rutland . Hope to see you there!

Shrewsbury Sno-Birds April 2012 Meeting Correction !

The meeting place has changed for this month. It will be at Sabby’s on center street upstairs. Hope to see you there. By the way it is snowing in the higher elevations today, too bad it is too little too late as everything is locked up! Come to the meeting and help the club grow …

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Shrewsbury Sno-Birds April Meeting

Our April 2012 meeting is April 10th @ the South Station on South Main St. in Rutland. They start at 7:00 PM and there is food and drinks and good snowmobile conversation available. Hope to see you there!

Shrewsbury Trails April 4, 2012

We are locking the gates and takeing down the signs. This is the earlyist that we have done this that I can remember. Some one stole two signs that we had made up for closing the CCC Road . They were expensive to have made and we would like them back, no questions asked, just …

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Shrewsbury Sno-Birds Trails March 10, 2012

Well Shrewsbury got 5 to 6 inches of snow at the North Shrewsbury Parking lot last night and today. I decided not to try and groom as to leave as much snow on the trails as possible for the riders. They like powder and the temps are not in favor of keeping the snow cover. …

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Shrewsbury Sno-Birds Trails March 6, 2012

Dad and mom went out grooming today. They did all the high elevation spots. RD 67 to 1mile norht of RD 65 above the old Poczobut Camp on 4&7 and over to RD 651 on 407 then down to the Clemit Shelter Road the back to 4&7 and back to home at RD69. They also …

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Sherwsbury Sno-Birds Trails March 2, 2012

Up at midnight and dad and I went out grooming. The trails up high have 12+ inches of new snow. We groomed every thing up high plus the Grouse Hill North Road { 7 south from the 4 and 7 intersection at RD68 about a mile to the log landing} and The CCC Road from RD67 …

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Sno-Birds Trails March 1 2012

Dad said that there is 9″ at his house in North Shrewsbury! We are going to go out and try to groom up the trails as far as the snow allows starting at 1:30 tomorrow morning . I will post a report when we get back. Remember that there are going to be hazards on …

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Shrewsbury Trails January 22, 2012

Dad and I went out packing and opening the two trails that come into the Stone House. We cut out some down trees. The trails are rideable but not what we would like to see. We did see several riders out. Any hills that are steep are getting chewed up. Hope we don’t loose too …

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