I told you I would try to let you know how things went today. It went very well. The abutments and I beams are in and the cross braces are welded on and Rick and Fred have them all back filled, so we are in good shape to put the decking on tomorrow. Hope to see you there to help! Here are some more photos I took today. There are not too many as I was quite busy.
I want to thank Dave Fucci, Scott Ballard, Ray Duquette, Rick and Fred Hubbard and my Dad, Gary Arthur . With out all their help we would not be as far along as we are! Dave had every thing designed just perfect, so it went together with no glitches. He is a perfectionist! Thank you again every one!
As soon as I get Ray’s photos I will get them on the web site.

Rick and the driver were discussing on how they were going to get them off the trailer. Rick said that they were bigger that he was thinking they were.

I Beams with cross braces welded and the new approach to the bridge is much less steep. The bridge sets up much higher.

I Beams with cross braces welded and the new approach to the bridge is much less steep. The bridge sets up much higher.
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