I Beam Bridge Update

We were up installing the 8″ oak decking on the I Beams this morning. It rained some but we got the job done. We also installed the outside runners. The problem is that the battery-powered units could not keep up with the pace. We finished with Mike Stewart’s Honda Generator and corded drills. Tomorrow morning we will install the 6X6 bunkers on the outside. We will be starting at 8:00 AM tomorrow morning. It will not take long so we do not need to start at daylight like the last 2 mornings. If any one wants to help with the end of this project please come.

Here are some photos I took today. As you can see the bridge is over 6 feet higher than it was before!


Rick put a nice new grade to the bridge.

See how Dave made the blocks fit.

Another thing Dave did to secure the abutments.

8″ decking and 27 ‘ I Beams and 3″ runners on top make a strong bridge.

A look under the bridge.

If you look at the bottom of the block you can see the notch cut in it to go into the beam. That is Dave’s way of making it strong and secure.

This shows what I said that the bridge is 6+ feet higher.

The tape shows the difference. There is a close up of the tape on another photo.



    • Clifford Dutton on October 1, 2017 at 5:46 pm

    Ready for some tanks to cross this bridge! Nothing lightweight about it.

      • Roy on October 1, 2017 at 6:20 pm

      This like going over a rail road bridge! The elevation change is going to make a big difference along with the more open enterances to the bridge.

      1. So the old bridge will be removed to open more space for floor water?

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