Trail Report February 22, 2020

I was out grooming our trails last night. They are looking pretty nice at this time.  There are a few spots that there was no snow for the groomer to grab so there are a few bumps here and there . I am still hoping for some more snow. The next few days are going …

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Trail Report February 19, 2020

Dad and Ray were out grooming up our trails today. It was a nice sunny day so I hope they had a good time while they were making  the trails nice for everyone! If Dad has any things to add to this tomorrow I will post it. Ride Safely and Ride Right!

Trail Report February 15, 2020

I was out grooming the trails yesterday afternoon and most of last night. There several trees down, nothing really big but some I did have to cut. I also did some hand filling of some areas. If any one is on 407 be on the lookout for a long roof rake handle. I think it …

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Problems with my posts!

Sorry but we are having some issues, but our web guy Cliff is working on it!  It is posting things another time later. Roy  

Trail Report February 9,2020

I was out grooming yesterday and last night. I groomed everything, the only trails I did not go both ways on were the trails to the groomer shed because I developed a steering fluid leak so I had to get it back to the groomer shed.  I am headed back up to diagnose the issue …

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February meeting and it is Snowing outside!

Our next meeting is this Tuesday February 11, 2020. As usual it is at the Southside Restaurant in Rutland starting at 7:00 PM. Hope to see you there. The snow just started in Rutland at a little past 2:00 PM. I do not know if we will gat as much as they have predicted but …

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Truck on the trail update.

Dad and I went back out and got the truck out. Every thing went well, we put gas in it and it started! Kyle said the battery was not dead and he was correct. It must shut things down if the engine quits. Every thing went well and we did no damage to it. Once …

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Truck on trail update.

On Saturday Dad and I were looking for a truck on our trail some where. When we could not find it we called the person back to tell him. That is when we found out that it had been out there for over a week so that is why we did not see any tracks. …

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Trail Report February 3, 2020

Dad and I were out on Saturday grooming and looking for a truck on our trails somewhere. We found it in the late afternoon. It is still there and I will get more into it in a later post. On Sunday Dad and I went and picked up the drag and groomed all of the …

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Trail Report January 19,2020

I was out walking on some of our trails this morning and found 4 to 5 inches of total snow depth from all the storms left on our trails. These were trails in the Mendon area. There is some ice under the snow especially in the flat areas out of the Notch Road Parking Lot. …

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