Trail Report

Chuck Loso  was out with me today clearing trees and opening gates and putting up signs. We had several larger tree to clear but luckily I was able to make a couple of cuts and then push them out of the trail. There was pretty good snow up high but it got slimmer down by …

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Decades of snow totals.

I just found this on HCS and thought you might think this is interesting. I did and it shows that VT can hold its own around the country! We are not starting this year too good though!

Trail Work 1-4-2020

Scott Ryan was out with his side by side this morning clearing trees. He did trails between his house all the way to the Notch parking lot. He said there was not much snow and it was raining at the time. Thank you Scott for your help for the Sno-Birds! I went over to Route …

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Opening Day 2019-2020 Season

Opening day in our area is not as good as I would like to see. There is no riding at this time. This is not the norm for us. We need to do a serious snow dance to help us out! If any one ventures out before I let you know the gates and trails …

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December Meeting

Our December meeting is this Tuesday December 10th at the Southside in Rutland starting at 7:00pm. The snow keeps coming hopefully it stays, I see warmer temps next week and rain. Hope to see you at the meeting.

Safety Course!

The Sno-Birds safety course is December 1, 2019 at Hillside Services in Cuttingsville. Contact Dave Blecich @ 492-3782 for more info.

Snowmobiles on Road!

I had a report of tracks on the Upper Cold River Road already. The trails do not open until December 16, 2019. You can be fined if you are out before that date and you might irritate land owners and hunters. Please do not go out before the season opens. We all need to be …

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Trail Work

Dave and Scott were out putting up the signs on the trails on Route 4 and the Wheelerville area. They also cut a down tree on 407 in the M. Falls area. Thank you for all your help!

Meeting reminder.

I do not know how another month has passed so quickly! Our November meeting is tomorrow night, November 12, 2019 at the Southside Steakhouse starting at 7:00 pm. Hope to see you there!

Trail work and News October 31, 2019

Last week and weekend we were out cutting blow downs after the wind storm. We had every thing open but here come another storm with high winds! We will have to see how bad this one is. I want to thank every one that was out there doing the work. We now have the TMAS …

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