Trail Report January 30, 2019

Dad and Ray were out today and groomed up all of our trails. They are looking better and better as we get more snow. They received 8 plus inches last night!  Go and have some fun! I will be back out on Saturday some time to smooth them again. Ride Safely and Ride Right!

Trail Report January 27, 2019

Dad and I were out grooming up our trails. We groomed all the trails. The conditions were a lot better than we expected. We filled in the open water on the Pody Trail and hope that it holds and freezes up again. There were a few riders out riding and all gave us the thumbs up. If you go …

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Trail Report Update January 25, 2019

Barry Alger was out on 407 and 4&7  North of RD 651 and RD 65 and found the trails in good condition after the rains. Scott Ryan went out up over Jocky RD 16 South to RD 66 and some of the Upper Trails and said there was some water damage around RD 71 and …

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Trail Report January 25, 2019 ?

If any one has time today to go out and look and see what the trails look like and get back to me that would be great. Thank you. Ride Safely and Ride Right!

Trail Report January 23, 2019

I was out with Dad yesterday packing and leveling the snow drifts on our trails. We packed all the trails and the next time out we will have the drag on. The trails were looking good with no open water in the water bars. They still need to be filled in some more in spots …

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Trail Damage January 16,2019!

Someone with a 2 wheel drive Kubota tractor tried to go up the trail across from the groomer shed and then came across the road and tore the trail up all the way to mom and dads driveway. He then went out their driveway and headed towards Northham. Dad was unable to catch him or …

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Trail Report January 15, 2019

Dad and mom were out grooming the trails today. They did all of the upper trails and 4&7 to RD 650. The snow down there and for most of 407 is slim so we do not want to over groom and make too many bare spots so they stopped where the did. For the amount …

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Trail Report January 14, 2019

I did get back out yesterday and groomed to the stone House and then opened the trail to the Groomer Shed. There were a few trees to cut but not too bad and the water spots are not bad because for the most part they were froze over. The snow is slim in those areas …

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Trail Report January 13, 2019

Scott Ryan went out in the morning grooming and then I finished up all trails except the trail across from the groomer shed which I am doing this morning. The trails up high are good and they get slimmer down low. People are riding them and seem happy. Watch out for brush in some spots …

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Snow totals January 10, 2019?

Dad said late yesterday afternoon there was 8″ at the groomer shed, and it was snowing last night so I expect that there is more this morning. I will be out with the Tucker on Saturday and Sunday if needed to open our trails. The snow is heavy on the trees so I expect there …

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