Any one out there riding? Let us know what it is like out there, please. Thank you. Ride Safely and Ride Right! Roy.
Website Statistics for 2013
WordPress presents our statistics this year again with fireworks. See the very cool graphics and the numbers for our site. As you would expect, …
Trail Report January 1, 2014
I have received reports that all our trails are open and rideable with caution! There are no down trees, the water bars are the main issues. I don’t think there is much water just have to slow down for them as we have not had enough snow to fill them in. Thank you for your updates and comments! …
I hope that every one has a safe a Happy New Year!!! We hope to be out on the trails late this week if we get good snow! It is snowing now! See you on the trails! Ride Safely and Ride Right! Roy.
Trail Report Dec, 30, 2013
Dad and I went out on Sunday the 29th and installed the wooden signs at the intersections. It was a very slow go as there was not much snow at all, thankfully we have rubber tracks! Then just after we got back it started to rain and then it turned to snow. I have gotten …
Merry Christmas
I wish every one a very merry and safe Christmas. Pray for SNOW! Ho! Ho! Ho! Roy
Fish and Game Parking Lots
According to this post by the Chittenden Dammers, Fish and Game plans to enforce banning non-fishing related vehicles from their parking lots. This effectively closes the Chittenden Dam parking lot to snowmobilers. Apparently this has been an unenforced policy Fish and Game now intends to enforce. Though there are no Fish and Game parking lots …
Map Update for the Upper Cold River Road Parking Feed Trail
Skiing the Sno-Birds Upgraded East Access Trail at EveryTrail I tracked the newly renovated feed trail that provides access to the Upper Cold River Road VAST Parking Lot. The new GPS …
December 18, 2013 Trail Report
Sorry this is a day late but yesterday was very hectic! Dad and I went out packing all of our trails on Monday. The snow up high is good but very slim down low in places, so ride very cautiously! We saw Dave and Chris out and they helped with some down trees on the …
Google Earth Trail Map Update
You may remember the Google Earth Network Link I created last season. It is still working so all you have to do is launch the Google Earth program on your computer and it will automatically update with the latest changes in the trail map I’ve made. Two trails are no longer closed which is updated …
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