Category: News

Savers Cards Get Them Now!

We still have the Sno-Birds savers cards available. Any one that is buying parts to repair their sleds or ATVs can benefit from having this card by saving money at the local dealerships! There are local restaurants also that you can save at! A free auto inspection if it passes! Get one and start saving now! They are good until …

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Safety Class

We are having a snowmobile safety class on Sunday Dec. 2, 2012  at the Cuttingsville Fire Station. It starts at 8:00 am and lunch is furnished by the club. Lets get  the younger people certified so when the snow comes they are ready to ride. If you have any questions contact Dave at 492-3782. Any …

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Our club TMAs are at the three local snowmobile dealerships, Turco’s, CVM, and Outdoors in Motion now so go and purchase them early to save money and support the sport. As soon as I have them here I will let you know. Mike will be getting them at JC Stewart and Son in Cuttingsville also.

CVM Open House

Central Vermont Motorcycles is having their open house on Saturday October 20th. Our TMAs will be there for you to get. Our own club president Rick Lees will be there. Go and check them out and get lunch also.

October Meeting


Remembering Arlyn Phillips Photo Gallery

The Chittenden Dammers are collecting comments about Arlyn Phillips. Use this link to go to their post, Remembering Arlyn Phillips Photo Gallery. If you remember some snowmobiling event involving Arlyn that you’d like to share, there are several ways you can do it. The Dammers have set up a photo gallery featuring Arlyn (there’s a link …

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Trail Work Sunday Sept. 23, 2012

This week we will be working in Wheelerville on corridors 4&7. We’ll be starting at 8:00 at Bridge 24 on the Wheelerville Road. That is where our trail crosses the bridge and road . Hope to see you there. I want to thank Scott, Ray, and Dave for their help this weekend as we were …

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Automatic Backup for this Blog

Not the most exciting news, but our WordPress data and files are created and stored only on our server so there is no backup if something should go wrong with the blog. Using an automatic backup plugin, we are making weekly backups to DropBox while we sleep! It is true, computers can be made to …

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Work Dates

We will be doing trail work for the next 4 Sundays. This week we will be meeting at the Black Swamp Road – CCC Road  intersection @ 8:00 am. We are going to be debrushing. Hope to see you there if you can. There will be more info for the following weeks. If you have …

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Club meeting

Our first club meeting for the 2012-2013 season is August 14th @ 7:00 @ the South Station in Rutland . Hope to see you there!