Decking of the Jeffords Bridge

Dave and I went up to debrush the road so we could get the materials in. If you have a high clearance vehicle you can get there with that. Dave drove his Ford 550 in with half of the materials today and we will be driving our vehicles to the site tomorrow.  If any one wants to know the status of the gate please call me. Otherwise the smaller vehicles can get around the gate. I hope to see you there, I do not think that it will take too long to finish the project.

Scott Ryan had the same thoughts about the project and showed up and was a big help. I asked him if he knew what Dave and I was doing and he said no he was just going to start clearing the road by himself. After a heart attack a short while ago that shows club dedication. It sounds alot like my Dad with his health issues, at 86 years old he just keeps pushing on. I want to thank the both of them on behalf of the club!

I hope to see you there at the bridge tomorrow!