Trail Report December 16, 2016

Dad and I were out yesterday opening the gates and clearing the trees. All of our trails have been checked and packed except between RD651 and RD65, the cross trail between 407 and 4&7.  There was about 10 to 12 inches of snow in most areas except 407 in the lower areas. There was not much body to the snow so hopefully after we compacted it and it freezes it will be better. If we get the 3 to 6 inches tomorrow and a little rain on it we might end up with a good base. Lets hope!

If any one is out  riding there is small limbs still in the trails so if you can stop and toss them out of the trail that would be helpful, if not after the next storm they may be buried enough anyway. Also if some one wants to check the cross trail and clear that short trail let me know.

I am going to try to get our intersection signs out as soon as possible.

Here are some photos of yesterday, there are more photos on our smug mug page.

     The trails are open but you need to ride with caution as the water bars are not filed yet and the snow is still slim, it is still early yet!