Trail Report January 27, 2024?

Our trails are still open and I have received info that there has been a lot of riders out even in the very soft conditions. On the CCC Road the logger has plowed the road again and it is ugly from what I heard. Be very careful  entering and exiting the road. I really do not want to go out with the Tucker as the trails are too soft and the waterbars are starting to open up. The heavy machine will only make things worse. This is info I have received from riders if any one has other ideas please call me at 802-779-5228. Even with the slim conditions I see tracks in Wheelerville but there is mud showing up. I am hoping that we get a few inches in this storm coming tomorrow and early Monday and the temps look like they are more friendly for grooming. I know the trails are not great at this time but we are playing by mother natures rules, keep the faith that things will turn around soon! It is still above freezing at this time at night and it needs to get below freezing for a while to help.