Roy Arthur

Author's posts

Trail Report March 13, 2021

I was going to go grooming tonight but after walking on some of our trails and talking with several riders on the trail and with Dad I decided not to. Every rider said the trails were very smooth other than the ski marks and that is what I saw walking. There are some spots that …

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Car on the Black Swamp Road last night.

I was at the shop doing the Sno-Birds zoom meeting when Dad called and told me that there was a car at the upper end of the Black Swamp Road. Bryan Warner and his girlfriend were out riding and came upon him in his car. Bryan went to Dad’s  where he was parked and asked …

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Trail Report March 9, 2021

Dad was out grooming some of our trails this morning. He went on 4&7 as far as RD 650. On 407 he went as far as the Falls Road. He did all the upper trails. Coming back on 407 he had an issue with the steep hill not too far from the good road section, …

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Trail Report March7, 2021

I was out grooming all night again last night. On 407 I turned around just before the gate on the Mendon end, the snow was getting thinner and Dad said that the hill going to the parking lot was getting icy. The tread area was flat so there was no need to chance it. All …

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Alert : Equipment on 407

Fabians is putting a driveway in at the top of the hill just in from the falls and they are moving in a tiny home tomorrow. They are closing the Wheelerville Road tomorrow to get the home in. If you can you might want to avoid that area or at least expect delays.

Trail Report March 4,2021

Dad was out again yesterday grooming our trails. He said that he could have a full drag most of the time. He had an issue with the first hill coming back from Bridge 24 on the Wheelerville Road. There was ice and he slid back down the hill. He put the lockers in and stayed …

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Trail check update

Dave went out and checked all of the trails and believe it or not there were no trees down. The way the wind was I was sure that we would have some down. Thank you Dave. Mark , Adrain, and Scott R also volunteered, thank you to all of you that volunteered. It is nice …

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Trail Check March 2, 2021

Can some one go out today and inspect our trails to let me know about trees down in the trail so I will have an idea of what needs to be done. Give me a call if you can do this please 775-3406. Thank you. Ride Safely and Ride Right.

Trail Report February 27, 2021

I was out grooming our trails last night and this morning. They look good but it is raining up there, hope we do not get too much rain. I think tomorrow is going to be better. If you can, go for a ride tomorrow. Ride Safely and Ride Right.

Trail Report February 24, 2021

Dad was out again yesterday grooming up our trails. Cooler temps today will keep the trails nice. He had to tow a vehicle out on 407 yesterday also. The person got out as far as the gravel pit. He hooked on to it and turned it around carefully and towed it back to the end …

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