Roy Arthur

Author's posts

Photo from John Keough April 3, 2019

This is a photo the he sent today. I don’t know if it was taken yesterday or today but that looks like a really nice day for a ride! Thank you for the photo keep them coming! Ride Safely and Ride Right!

Trail Report April 2, 2019

I was out grooming as much of our trails as I could last night. Up high the trails are still quite nice but going north of RD 651 on 407 and between RD 65 and RD 650 the trails really start to get slim and bare in spots. The trail going out of the groomer …

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Trail Report March 29, 2019

I went up and closed the gate again at the Notch Road Parking Lot because the snow is melting. The riding up high is still good! I do not know how long it will last. I will try and keep you updated. If any one goes out riding let me know how the trails are, …

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Trail Report March 27, 2019

Dad and Ray was out again yesterday smoothing the trails again. They did all the upper trails and on 407 they went just past the gravel pit and on 4&7 they went to RD 650 and then to Mc Laughlin Falls at the Wheelerville Road Intersection. Any plowed roads are getting really bad. The trails …

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Trail Report March 25, 2019 – Sick Day?

I was up in Wheelerville tonight checking the trails. I walked in from the road intersections and found that the conditions were very good for spring conditions. A sick day would warrant a nice day to take maybe your last ride for 2019! Dad and Ray will be out grooming the higher trails for you …

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Last night grooming update and photos.

After a couple hours sleep I wanted to give you more info. The snow depths up high are great as you will see in on photo on one of our bridges. Every thing was snow covered and I pulled in as much snow as possible. There is ice on 4&7 just north of RD 65. You …

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Trail Report March 24, 2019

I just got home from grooming all of our trails. They are looking good at this time. Go out early and ride before it warms up in the afternoon. Ride Safely and Ride Right!

Trail Report March 23, 2019

At the Notch Parking lot there is 9-10 inches of snow . I opened the gate and plowed the parking lot. Go and ride while you can. Next weekend it looks like it is going to be in the 50s. Ride safely and ride right!

New Gallery on SmugMug

I added a new gallery which is toy groomers. This started when Mark Jankowski gave Mom and Dad a toy Tucker and Mom said it needs a drag to go with it. A few days went by and he showed up with a toy drag that he made out of three toys and he painted …

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Trail Report March 19, 2019

Dad and Ray were out again smoothing up the trails. They groomed the same amount of trails as I did on Saturday night. They said that the trails were hard  but more rocks are showing where the snow gets slim. There still is no open water and the trails up high are still really nice. …

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