Author's posts
Girl Scout Camp Trail Relocation
The Rutland City Forrest section is done now. Rick and Fred Hubbard and Dave Fucci did the excavation and Bill Lohsen and myself with Dave seeded and put hay down on the trail. When the state part is done with Rick McKirryher we will go back and do the final debrushing and signing. The trail is a major improvement …
Trail Work October 7, 2018
We will be meeting at the Stone House at 8 AM and will be debrushing the two trails out of the stone house. If any one has an ATV or UTV that would be handy to carry some gear. I have not got the engine in Dads Polaris Ranger yet so that is not useable …
Shrewsbury Parade!
I thought that I would give you an update on how it went. Dave put his Snow Coach on his trailer and his two sleds on another. Scott Ballard and myself helped clean the vehicles and put one of our signs on the truck and American Flags on the trailer ramps. The mice ate our banner …
Parade in Shrewsbury
There is a parade in Shrewsbury this Sunday. It is the first annual Shrewsbury Day Parade. Mike Stewart wanted our Tucker in it but I have it apart for repairs at this time. Dave is going to put his snow coach on a trailer and have that in the event. Mike is looking for members …
Two meetings coming up!
The first meeting is on Sept 5, at the Franklin Conference Center in the Howe Center. It starts at 6:00 pm and goes to 8:00 pm. It would be nice to have some VAST members there to voice our concerns or at least to show more than just one person in our club has issues …
Decking of the Jeffords Bridge
Dave and I went up to debrush the road so we could get the materials in. If you have a high clearance vehicle you can get there with that. Dave drove his Ford 550 in with half of the materials today and we will be driving our vehicles to the site tomorrow. If any one wants …
Bridge Decking Sunday August 26, 2016
We will be re decking the bridge on 407 near the gravel pit. We will be starting at 7:30 at the Mooonshine Lane gate this Sunday. We hope to see you there! If any on has any questions please call me at 775-3406 or 779-5228. Here are some photos of how the bridge looks now. I’m having problems …
Yes one more trail report April 19, 2018!
Mike Stewart was out with his sled closing gates that we can not get to with vehicles. He said that there was still good snow coverage. Some trails he could not get through because of downed trees. I think that there is going to be alot of that to clean up. Mike said he had a …
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