Roy Arthur

Author's posts

Trail Report January 15, 2024

John and I were out 12 hours grooming and removing trees yesterday, We went over all trails except RD 65 to RD 651.  There was no snow at the Notch Parking Lot but when you get up around RD 650 there is better snow. When you get in the higher elevations it gets better also. …

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Trail Report January 12, 2024

Scott Ryan and I were out yesterday clearing trees and packing trails and opening some more gates. There is pretty good snow up high. We had charging issues with the Tucker so we only did the upper trails. I repaired the alternator and then found a bad ground cable between the 2 batteries so I …

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January 9 meeting relocation!

Tonight’s meeting has been moved to Dave Fucci’s house because Southside is closed do to the weather. It starts at 7:00pm. We will have some pizza there. Drive carefully if you do come, we do want everyone safe! Roy

Happy New Year!

I want to wish every one a Happy New Year! There is not much snow on the ground and not much in the forecast  either. I hope things turn around and we get some cooler temps and then some snow to ride on! Our next meeting is on January 9th at 7:00pm as usual it …

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Meeting Reminder

Our December meeting is this Tuesday the 12th at the Southside Steakhouse on Main Street in Rutland. It starts at 7pm. Come and see what the club has been up to. A reminder to get your early bird TMA before December 15th the savings is big. Hope to see you at the meeting!

November Meeting

Our next meeting is Tuesday November 14th at the Southside Steakhouse. As always it starts at 7:00 pm. Come and see what we have been up to and new things to think about. Lets hope this season is a good one, after the summer that we had we need something good. Hope to see you …

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Trail work October 28, 2023

I would like to work on the trail out of the groomer shed this Saturday if it does not rain. It is the only trail that has not been checked all summer. It is a very wet area so wear proper foot wear. We will meet at the groomer shed at 8:00 am. We will …

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October Meeting

Our next meeting is this next Tuesday the 10TH at the Southside Steakhouse starting at 7PM. We will let you know how the trails are looking. Come and join us! The photo is Dad receiving his Groomer of the Year Award and Trailblazer Award for his 40+ years of service! He received a nice plaque  …

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September Meeting

Our first meeting for the season is this Tuesday the 12th at the Southside Steakhouse in Rutland, starting at 7 PM. Come and see what is going on and news from the Annual Meeting. Hope to see you there!

May Meeting

Our May meeting is this Tuesday the 9th at the Southside Steakhouse starting at 7pm. It is the last meeting of the season and is election of officers. Hope to see you there!