Trail Report December 22,2024

Our trail system received between 4 to 9 inches of snow this last week. I was thinking of opening the upper areas but the snow was really fluffy so the first few sleds would have it packed to the ground. The other thing is that no one else is open so there would very limited …

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Meeting Minutes – 11/12/24


The regular meeting of the Shrewsbury Sno-Birds was called to order at 7:05PM on November 12, 2024 at Southside Steakhouse in Rutland by Mike Stewart.


Mike Stewart, President; Roy Arthur, Vice President/Trailmaster; Mike Gabriele, Treasurer; David Fucci, Scott Ryan, Bill Lohsen, Scott Ballard, Directors; Ray Messer, Member; Eric Bearor, Central Vermont …

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December Meeting

The Sno-Birds December meeting is this Tuesday the 10th at the Southside Steakhouse in Rutland. It starts at 7:00pm. We are planning on having  the trails open on the 16th weather permitting. The State waterbars will be nasty for a while and watch out for any gates as it will take a minute or two …

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Meeting Minutes-10/08/24


The regular meeting of the Shrewsbury Sno-Birds was called to order at 7:03PM on October 8, 2024 at Southside Steakhouse in Rutland by Mike Stewart.


Mike Stewart, President; Roy Arthur, Vice President/Trailmaster; Mike Gabriele, Treasurer; David Fucci, Scott Ryan, Bill Lohsen, Scott Ballard, Directors; Andrew Gieda, Ray Messer, Members; Michele Taube, …

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November Meeting

Our November meeting is this Tuesday the 12th. It starts at 7pm hope to see you there!

Tucker Tracks

From what I am seeing with the weather tomorrow  if it raining we will have to cancel for tomorrow. If it is not raining we will be installing them. If you have any questions please call me. Thank you.

Meeting Minutes – 09/10/24


The regular meeting of the Shrewsbury Sno-Birds was called to order at 7:15PM on September 10, 2024 at Southside Steakhouse in Rutland by Mike Stewart.


Mike Stewart, President; Roy Arthur, Vice President/Trailmaster; Mike Gabriele, Treasurer; David Fucci, Scott Ryan, Directors; Andrew Gieda & Son, Ray Messer and Bruce Pike, Members; Eric …

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Passing of a long time member.

Yesterday a long time member passed away. She was my Mom. Minnie Arthur. She was a member of the Sno-Birds for a long time. She was very active starting in the 80’s. She was always behind the scenes and did not want to be in the spotlight. When we had pot luck suppers or were …

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October Meeting

The Sno-Birds meeting is this Tuesday October 8 starting at 7:00PM at the Southside Steakhouse in Rutland. Hope to see you there!

Tucker Maintaince

We are looking for some help installing and studding the two new tracks on the front of the Tucker. We are doing this on Sunday October 6th. We are starting at 8AM.  If you have cordless tools to install the studs bring them. Please let me know if you an come. Thank you. Roy