Category: Trail Reports

Trail Report February 20, 2013

I have been told that there is 4″ of fresh snow at the groomer shed this morning! Dave also said that he heard that there was approximately  8″ on the Killington access road. If anyone has any totals on our trail system let us know. We will be out in the next few days to groom …

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Trail Report February 16, 2013

I drove up to the Snow Angel and the Wheelerville Road to see what things look like. They still have snow coverage with thin spots showing dirt mixed in but it is still very rideable. Every thing looks pretty flat. We are not grooming this weekend as to not over groom and bare up a …

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Trail Report February 13, 2013

Dad and I went out grooming today. We went north on 4&7 as far as bridge #24 on the Wheelerville Road. We groomed 407 also and groomed 4&7 back up over Jockey and South to the CCC Road, and the upper trail. Everything is very rideable, we only have a couple of water bar issues …

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February Meeting

Our February meeting is tonight the 12th at The Snow Angle on Route 4 in Mendon. It is also on our 4&7 so if you want to ride in you can.It starts at 7pm. Hope to see you there! Sorry it is short notice but I just realized it was not posted yet. Roy.

View from the Cab – Video

I shortended this video down to a resonable length. It starts out just after Roy completed our first impassable icy hill by winching the Tucker and the nearly 2 ton grooming drag up the hill using trees for anchors. He did this first one in one or two pulls without much help from me. Little …

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Video of Winching on Saturday Grooming

Roy obviously was experienced winching the groomer up the hills but we both got extra practice on Saturday. Be careful out there. You can’t even stand up on those icy hills and I’m afraid we pollished off any traction that may have been there. See the process in these vídeos.

Trail Report February 10, 2013

Cliff and I were out all day yesterday. The upper trails RD672 to RD67 had drifts but everything groomed up nice. We then went from RD672 north and Jockey {just north of the RD672 intersection} and it was all ice on the steep climbs. We had to winch 6 or 8 times to get over the …

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Trail Report February 9, 2013

We will be headed out this morning to open up the trails. There is 6 to 7 inches at the groomer shed. High winds will make for tall drifts. Ride carefully as you may meet the groomer anywhere today. Cliff Dutton our web guy is riding today making a map as we go! I will …

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Trail Report February 7, 2013

Well it looks like we might get a SIZEABLE SNOW STORM TOMORROW! We really need it! We will keep you posted as we hear from you or see for ourselves. We will be out with the Tucker on Saturday! Ride Safely and Ride Right! Keep your fingers crossed! Roy

Trail Report February 3, 2013

Dave Fucci called and gave me a trail report. He said that the trails are very rideable with a few inches of fresh power especially in the higher elevations to help keep the sleds cool. There is a rock solid base that will help us in keeping the trails open late in the season. You have to …

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