I was out all day on Saturday and John Hogan and I were out 6 hours today. All of the trails got groomed. They need more snow in some areas but they were flat. Every one was having a good time. On Saturday I must have seen 150 sleds! I hope every one enjoys the …
Category: Trail Reports
Trail Report January 31, 2022
I was out and groomed all of our trails except on 407 I turned around at the Red Gate. Some areas are really good and some are very slim. Dave was also out with his Alpine trying to pull in snow where he could. In some areas it was hard to do much improvement so …
Trail Report January 23, 2022
I was out grooming last night. I groomed all the upper trails and 4&7 as far as RD16. Then 407 to the red gate and then RD651 to RD65. The trails need more snow for the groomer. As I would come back on some of the trails and see more rocks showing and the blades …
Trail Report January 20, 2022
Dave was out with me most of the day yesterday cutting trees and filling one water spot. All of our trails are groomed at least one way. Some areas are slim on snow coverage so drive with caution. If we could get a few more inches it would be nice. We saw several sleds out …
Trail Report January 18,2022
Dave was out all day checking and clearing the trails. In the morning Jeff Leonard helped him. Scott Ryan was out this afternoon checking and clearing the trails also. The only trail not checked is the Arthur trail to the groomer shed. There is some drifting in areas and the only water spot is on …
Snow on Monday?
The forecasts are all different so I do not know what we will get. If we get enough I plan on going out on Wednesday to see what we can do. It will be an all day trip, if anyone wants to go with me let me know. If you can not go all day …
Trails Correction.
Matt just informed me that if I had them red closed then you can get a ticket so I put them back to gray no data. I do not feel they are good enough for yellow. I learned something new today.
Matt at Vast asked all of us that left our trails gray ( unknown but not closed ) to make them red ( closed ) on the map because it looked better. If you do decide to go out there is no law against it, with the snow that we have I do not recommend …
Sno-Birds Trails
I was up in Shrewsbury on Saturday and Sunday. There was 5″ of snow at the groomer shed. I wanted to go out and pack the snow but there was not enough, I would be hurting the trails Dad and I felt so I did not go out. I am hoping to go out later …
Trail work this Saturday October 9, 2021
The starting point for Saturday is at RD 16. This is on the Clement Shelter Road just before the shelter, the intersection of 407 and 4&7. We will going out 4&7 towards Mendon. Our main objective is to make sure there are no trees down and to cut things hanging in the trail. It is …
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