We were up installing runners on the Gagnon Bridge this morning. As usual I posted that we would start @ 8:00 am but knowing Dave I got to the gate at 7:15 am and was unlocking the gate and Dave pulls up and Mike and Bill are right behind him. Mike said we were working on Dave’s time as he is always early. It was not long and Scott Ryan was there. Dad would have been there to help but he had a medical procedure done on the wiring on his heart so he can not lift more than 10 lbs for a while, so he felt he would not be much help. The procedure went well and he was doing a lot of walking without running out of air so things are looking great for him. We wish him the best as over the years he has done so much for our club! We had the project done by 9:00 am. Every thing went well. I want to thank all the guys that took the time to get this project done!

Dave, Bill, Mike, Scott on the Gagnon Bridge after we installed the center runners.
Dave and I walked a proposed trail to the new Flannels Restaurant where Charity’s used to be. The owner is going to be working on the landowner permission to get there. As things progress I will post if we will be riding to there business. If so we may have our club meetings there also.
On the groomer Dad ( with care full guidance ) helped me change all the fluids on Saturday. We then tried to remove the exhaust manifold. Amazingly all the bolts came out with a little help! We will be installing the new manifold back on soon. It is very easy for Dad to just pitch in and do more than the Doctors want, 10 lbs is not much to exceed.
Dave wants to do some tread work next weekend we have some washouts and one trail relocation on the trail out of the groomer shed. We are working hard to get things ready for the upcoming season, I do not know if there is a lot that any one can do this weekend but if you have the time I am sure that we can cut some things especially Saturday. Give me a call if you have time to help.
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