October Meeting
Our meeting is this Tuesday October 11th starting at 7;00pm at the Southside Steakhouse in Rutland. Hope to see you there.
Trail work this Sunday October 2nd
We are having a trail work day this Sunday starting at 8:00 am. We will be debrushing the trail out of the groomer shed to the Tin Santy Road. Bring brush cutters and other trail clearing tools and lots of energy. The berry bushes and steeple top grow back every year. We want everyone to …
Work day report
Scott R, John, Bill, Ray, Dave and I installed the last sign posts today. Most went in quite nice except the last on at the Notch Parking Area. We also repaired the skidder bridge on the Arthur trail. I am sure we will be revisiting that next year but it is good for this year. …
September Meeting
Our first club meeting is this Tuesday September 13th. It is at the Southside Steakhouse in Rutland starting at 7:00pm. We should have some info from the annual meeting and about our trails. Hope to see you there.
News about Annual Meeting and Work Day
The annual meeting is September 10 in Island Pond. Mike S. is going up the day before but Dave and I are going up that morning. If any one else wants to go we nave room, just let us know. Also our next work day is September 18. We will be finishing the sign …
Trail Work Report
We were out installing the sign posts for the new signs. The members there were Dave, Mike, Bill, John and myself. We installed 10 posts. Dave borrowed a pounder to drive the signs in. Some spots we had to try several times to find a spot where the post would go in. We also realized …
Trail work day.
We will have a work day to start putting in posts for our signs this Sunday August 14 starting at the highway garage area on Route 4 at 8:00am. Hope to see you there. We will see how many we can get in that day.
Sled Raffle Results
Click for video: Snobirds Raffle Grand Prize Winner: Willy Arnow 2nd Prize Winner: Catherine DiPalma 3rd Prize Winner: Scott Brileya
Sled Raffle Reminder
Just a reminder that we will be drawing the winning tickets for the sled raffle tomorrow night, Tuesday, July 12 @ 7pm at Southside Steakhouse. Good Luck to All!
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