Just a last-minute reminder that the meeting is tomorrow night April 12, 2016. It starts at 7:00 PM and it is at the Southside restaurant. We hope to see you there!
March Meeting 2016
Our next meeting will be tomorrow March 8, 2016 at the Southside Steakhouse. It is on South Main Street in Rutland. It starts at 7:00 pm. There is no snow to ride on so come to the meeting and enjoy some snowmobile conversation any way. Also we will be looking for some help at the …
This Photo Just Added
This photo was just uploaded to our SmugMug site and I’ve added it to “Member Uploads.” It appears that Sno-Birds can have fun even off the snow but I’m only guessing because there was no comment to provide any information! Please, anyone …
Rutland City Winter Carnival
Dave Fucci heard that Rutland City was having a winter carnival. They wanted to put snow on Center Street and have sliding for anyone. Dave asked if we could spread the snow out with our Tucker. I told him we could but the snow that they were going to truck in would be too …
Trail Report February 10, 2016
I was up last weekend looking at the trails from the road intersections and there is still snow up high. It is very icy, and if it is not icy the snow is so hard and very slippery. The trails are hard to walk on because of this. If we ever get some more snow …
February 2016 Meeting
Well I can not believe that it is February already! There is little to no snow at this time but there is still hope for some good riding before the season ends. Now back to what I started, our next meeting is February 9, 2016 @ the Southside restaurant on South Maine Street in Rutland. It …
Trail Report January 21, 2016
Scott Ryan was out this weekend clearing trees and checking the trails. Thank you again for all your help! Dad and I went out yesterday and cleared all the big trees and opened all the gates and packed all the trails. It was a very slow go it took 16 hours but they are open …
Trail Report January 4, 2016
Scott Ryan was out checking our trails this weekend. Every thing is good from RD 651 and RD 65 South and East from there to RD 67 on the CCC Road, other than one tree that he cut and we will move with the Tucker when we can get out there. That is on the …
December 29, 2015
We are finally getting some snow! I do not know if it is going to be enough to ride or not. If you do go out ride carefully as there may be trees down because of the winds. The gate going down over towards Route 100 is still closed as is the one at the …
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