Trail Report March 21, 2023

John Hogan was out all night grooming up our trails. It is the first solo run for him and he said that every thing went well. He asked if any one is out riding to let us know what you think on his grooming as he is new at it.  I am sure it is …

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Trail Report March 19, 2023

I was out last night and today grooming our trails. Some needed more attention than others so it took longer than normal. They were really nice and every one was pleased with how they are. There was lots of sleds out enjoying the day. I do not know if we will be able to get …

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Trail Report March 17, 2023

I was out last night and groomed all of our trails. They came out really nice. With the warmer temps coming  it is going to get harder to groom but we will keep going as long as we can. Ride while you can! Ride Safely and Ride Right!

Trail Report March 16, 2023

John Hogan and I were out packing our trails yesterday and blading out the snow drifts. Everything is looking nice. We ill be back out soon with the drag to really get it smooth.    

Cell phone found around RD 677

A club member found a cell phone this weekend around RD 677. If any one lost a phone contact me at cell # 802-779-5228, or work # 802-775-3406.

Meeting Minutes – 2/7/23

The regular meeting of the Shrewsbury Sno-Birds was called to order at 7:06PM on February 7 at Southside Steakhouse in Rutland by Mike Stewart.


Mike Stewart, President; David Fucci, Scott Ryan, Directors; Mike Gabriele, Treasurer; Roy Arthur, Trailmaster/Vice President; Ray Messer, Scott Pinkham, Bruce Pike and Jeff Leonard, Members

Approval of Agenda

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Trail Report March 12, 2023

Scott Ryan and I were out grooming most of the night last night. I was surprised  how the trails were holding up with the high traffic and warm temps. The worst section was the Wheelerville area as the sun gets to it and softens the snow and the snow depth is not as good as …

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Trail Report March 11, 2023 and Meeting Notice.

Dad and John H. were out grooming our trails yesterday. It did get warmer than expected so the sleds running after the groomed were able to chew it up some.  Scott R. and I will be back out tonight to groom them again. I have not talked to Dad or John yet but I imagine …

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Trail Report March 7, 2023

Dad and John Hogan were out grooming all of our trails except on 407 they turned around at the clearing just past the gravel pit. Dad drove at the beginning and then he had John drive the rest of the day to give him some experience as he might help with grooming also. Scott Ryan …

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Trail Report March 6, 2023

Scott Pinkham was out grooming 4&7 to the highway garage at Route 4. Every thing went well and it was a nice day. I went up and took a video and photo at Bridge 24 as it was Scott’s first time out solo. He took a friend Mike Fenton with him. Scott is going to …

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