Ray along with working with us building this bridge took a lot of photos to show that these bridges do not just appear out of space. A lot of work preparing and designing and building these structures has to be done to make it work so …
Category: Trail Work
Ray Duquette’s 2017 Bridge Photos
Bridge Update
We installed the side bunkers this morning. The bridge looks really nice. Today we had Dave, Ray, Mike, Gary helping. Thank you guys for all your help. I forgot to mention the people who were helping even though it was raining off and on yesterday, I know my coat was quite wet at noon and …
I Beam Bridge Update
We were up installing the 8″ oak decking on the I Beams this morning. It rained some but we got the job done. We also installed the outside runners. The problem is that the battery-powered units could not keep up with the pace. We finished with Mike Stewart’s Honda Generator and corded drills. Tomorrow morning …
I Beam Bridge Update
I told you I would try to let you know how things went today. It went very well. The abutments and I beams are in and the cross braces are welded on and Rick and Fred have them all back filled, so we are in good shape to put the decking on tomorrow. Hope to …
Bridge building update
Dave and Rick Hubbard roughed in the areas for the concrete abutments. Hopefully we will have the concrete and I beams set tomorrow so we can work on the tread area on Saturday. If you are going to help on Saturday, if you are coming in from US Route 4 on the Wheelerville Road go …
Bridge Building September 30 – 31, 2017
Just an up date that we will be installing the I Beam bridge this Saturday and Sunday if needed. The weather is going to be great for working. We will be starting at 8:00 am. Hope to see you there! If you have any questions about this project or how you can help please contact …
Bridge Building
We will be building a 50+ foot steel I beam bridge starting on Saturday September 30th and October 1st. We will be looking for people to help. Please let me know if you can help and also let me know that you received this post as some of you have said you were not receiving …
Sign Painting
Hi, is there any one that would like to pick up this sign and paint the wording on the fresh one sitting behind it? I’m not really good at it, as you can see I did it the last time years ago. Let me know please. Roy
Trail Work Report
Last weekend Dave with his excavator repaired the tread area from Dick Howes to Bridge 24 on the Wheelerville Road. Bill and Doc were there and went to the highway garage and then to the hight of land above RD 65 on corridors 4&7 in Shrewsbury checking for problems. Mark, Mike and I went from RD …
Trail Work Sunday October 16, 2016
We were going to work on the Stouts trail but, Dave was through that trail resetting a culvert and he took care of any trees that were an issue. So we will be starting at the Bove Camp area clearing, that is on corridor 407 at RD 651. I do believe that it is also the …
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