Category: Trail Reports

Trail Report January 15, 2024

John and I were out 12 hours grooming and removing trees yesterday, We went over all trails except RD 65 to RD 651.  There was no snow at the Notch Parking Lot but when you get up around RD 650 there is better snow. When you get in the higher elevations it gets better also. …

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Trail Report January 12, 2024

Scott Ryan and I were out yesterday clearing trees and packing trails and opening some more gates. There is pretty good snow up high. We had charging issues with the Tucker so we only did the upper trails. I repaired the alternator and then found a bad ground cable between the 2 batteries so I …

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September Meeting

Our first meeting for the season is this Tuesday the 12th at the Southside Steakhouse in Rutland, starting at 7 PM. Come and see what is going on and news from the Annual Meeting. Hope to see you there!

Trail Report April 7, 2023

I was out tonight locking some gates, all gates out of the Notch Road Parking Lot, McLaughlin Falls area, both cables on the Wheelerville Road bridge 24 area due to lack of snow. I could not close the gate at the Highway Garage because the snow and ice was too thick, that will be a …

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Trail Report April 3, 2023

I was out grooming all night what I could of our trails and some of the Snofliers trails like I did on Thursday night. The warm temps and rain is starting to shorten the grooming efforts. Last night is the last time for grooming I think with what I see in the forecast.  VAST would …

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Trail Report April 2, 2023

I went up and looked at the trails and was happy to see they are holding up quite well. Riding out of the Old Plymouth Road Parking lot is the best ,but the Groomer Shed Parking lot is still open at this time. I will let every one know as we do start to close …

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Trail Report March 31, 2023

I was out late yesterday afternoon and most of the night grooming up what I could of our trails and some of the Snofliers trails as their Tucker is broken. On our trails I did 4&7 as far as RD650 the intersection of 407. On the other end of 407 I turned around in the …

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Trail Report March 25, 2023

I was out grooming some of our trails last night. I did all the upper trails and 4&7 all the way to RD 650 and then to Mclaughlin Falls on 407. On the other end of 407 I went to the red state gate. Beyond that the trails are ridable but I was going to …

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Trail Report March 21, 2023

John Hogan was out all night grooming up our trails. It is the first solo run for him and he said that every thing went well. He asked if any one is out riding to let us know what you think on his grooming as he is new at it.  I am sure it is …

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Trail Report March 19, 2023

I was out last night and today grooming our trails. Some needed more attention than others so it took longer than normal. They were really nice and every one was pleased with how they are. There was lots of sleds out enjoying the day. I do not know if we will be able to get …

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