Category: Trail Work

Trail Report October 21,2018

We were out clearing the trail to the groomer shed this morning. Mike Stewart, Barry Alger and my self were there. There were several trees down and some brush that needed cutting. At this point I think all of our trails have been checked. I want to thank Barry and Mike for their help! Oh …

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Trail Relocation

The trail is all done. I debrushed it last Saturday, it was a spur of the moment thing where I had a little time so I could not ask for help. The trail looks really nice and will be a big improvement to what we had. Sunday Dave was out repairing waterbars on 4&7 on Howe’s and …

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Trail Work October 21, 2018

We will be working on the “Arthur Trail” on Sunday the 21st. We will be starting at 8:00 am on the Tin Shanty Road end. Any one that wants to park at the groomer shed and ride up meet at 7:30 am at the groomer shed. There will be transportation to go back up and …

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Rainy day trail work.

We had a work day today to debrush and clear trees on the two trails out of the Stone House. It only took 2 1/2 hours so that was not too bad in the rain. It is a little over 2 miles of trails. The dedicated workers were from left to right, Mike Stewart, Barry …

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Girl Scout Camp Trail Relocation

The Rutland City Forrest section is done now. Rick and Fred Hubbard and Dave Fucci did the excavation and Bill Lohsen and myself with Dave seeded and  put hay down on the trail. When the state part is done with Rick McKirryher we will go back and do the final debrushing and signing. The trail is a major improvement …

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Trail Work October 7, 2018

We will be meeting at the Stone House at 8 AM and will be debrushing the two trails out of the stone house. If any one has an ATV or UTV that would be handy to carry some gear. I have not got the engine in Dads Polaris Ranger yet so that is not useable …

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Decking is Complete

We finished the project today. Dave, Doc,, Scott …

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Water bars on 407

Rick Mckirryher was hired to install water bars on our trail 407.When I left at noon on Monday he had installed 24 water bars  and he was not to the good road yet. He was making great progress though. John from the State said there were, I think, another 64 to go by the time …

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Ray’s Photos

I have had at least one comment that people cannot see the photos in the recent post,  Ray Duquette’s 2017 Bridge Photos. I just tried it and from my end I see them fine. If any one is having problems please contact me.

Attaching Bridge Timbers to I-Beams

I was wondering about how or if the bridge planks were attached to the I-beams and while browsing through another set of photos Roy has posted to SmugMug I found the answer in this photo. You have to zoom in a bit but you can see the screws and washers holding the planks down to …

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