Category: Trail Reports

Trail work update

We have had 2 work days in the last few weeks. The first one we debrushed the Arthur Trail out of the groomer shed area. Scott R., Ray Messer and I started from there with hand tools and Dave started from the Tin Shanty Road with the excavator and brush head and started down and …

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Trail work day.

We will have a work day to start putting in posts for our signs this Sunday August 14 starting at the highway garage area on Route 4 at 8:00am. Hope to see you there. We will see how many we can get in that day.

Meeting Minutes – April 19, 2022


The regular meeting of the Shrewsbury Sno-Birds was called to order at 7:03PM on April 19, 2022 at Southside Steakhouse in Rutland by Mike Stewart.


Mike Stewart, President; David Fucci, Bill Lohsen, Directors; Mike Gabriel, Treasurer; Roy Arthur, Trailmaster/Vice President; Ray Messer, Member; Michele Taube, Secretary; Chip Taube

Approval of …

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Trail Report March 16, 2022

Well I hate to tell you we have to close our trails due to the snow conditions and the chance of wheeled vehicles getting on our trails. I closed the gates at the Notch Parking lot and McLaughlin Falls on 407. I also closed the gate at US Route 4 and the cables on 4&7 …

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Trail Report March 13, 2022

Scott Ryan was out on our trails today. He was taking  photos of our intersections for our new signs that we want for the 2022-2023 season and he cleared trees that were down. He told Mom that the trails were not too bad but after the warm temps they wont last long. There were several …

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Snow Report for March12, 2022

I just plowed the Notch parking lot and there was 6 inches there. Dad said that there was about 4.5 to 5 inches there but the wind was blowing. He plowed that parking lot also. We will not be grooming with the minimal snow that we received. Go and ride if you want because I …

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Snow Total as of 3:30pm

My brother just went out and measured the snow and there is 4 inches  at the groomer shed area. If any one goes out to ride be very careful because you can not see the icy spots and there are a lot of ice. At this point there is not much the groomer can do …

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Trail Report and the loss of our Past President, Rick Lees

I was out walking some of our trails today and talked to several riders and they all were still happy to be able to ride. They were all amazed at the conditions. There are some ice issues but the sled were not affected as bad as the groomer might be. No one thought they were …

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Trail Report February 14, 2022

At the last minute yesterday morning I decided to go and try grooming not knowing what the snow conditions were. I groomed every thing. There is a lot of dirty snow in some areas but it is smooth  dirty snow. If you can ride before the rain later in the week I would because we …

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Trail Report February 10, 2022

It was a quick decision to go out grooming last night after work. I groomed 4&7. Scott Ryan went out and checked the trails and reported to me that 407 was still very nice with little traffic and the upper trails were still good also. Every thing should be nice now. It took a little …

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